Our Products
Solvent Extraction Plant
Batch Type Refinery
Continuous Bleaching
Physical Refining / Deodorization
Dewaxing / Winterization
Dry Fractionation
Fatty Acid Distillations Plant
Glycerine Refining Plant
Laundry Soap Making Machinery
Reactors, Rotary Drum Conditioner and Special Equipment
Bins, Silos, Storage Tanks
Black Oil Recycling
Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Recycling Plants
Thermopack Heaters Verticle & Horizontal
Sweets Making Plants

Washed oil contains traces of soap, iron and a small amount of PHOSPHOLIPIDS and CAROTENES, These contaminantes are undesirable and required to be removed in Bleaching Operation, AEW's specially designed STEAM AGITATED bleachersis based on separate OIL and EARTH mixing DEVICE with MECHANICAL MIXER (this arrangement ensures no carryover of bleaching earth into vacuum system), with an extra facility to add any other chemical. regent main bleaching vessel and Hermetic filters. Our bleaching plants requires less maintenance and provides effective bleaching operations.

The AEW bleaching machines also includes CONTINUOUS BLEACHER which is Unique Design which uses LIVE STEAM Injection which helps to increase De-coloring Efficiency of Activated Earth and makes it FREE from MAINTENANCE of mechanical parts.
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